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YmpÀristövastuu yhteydessÀ kasvutavoitteisiin suomalaisissa elintarvikealan yrityksissÀ

...yritystä. Aiemmin sarjassa ilmestynyt: https://lehti.seamk.fi/verkkolehti/vastuullisuuden-ja-kestavyyden-edistaminen-koetaan-positiivisena-elintarvikeyrityksissa/ https://lehti.seamk.fi/verkkolehti/suomalaisia-elintarvikealan-yrittajia-motivoi-itsensa-toteuttaminen-ja-haastaminen/...

seamk.fi YmpÀristövastuu yhteydessÀ kasvutavoitteisiin suomalaisissa elintarvikealan yrityksissÀ

Language support to nursing students through CareEP project

...of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/5571ef48-en. Seven, M. A. (2020). Motivation in Language Learning and Teaching. African Educational Research Journal, 8, 62. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1274645.pdf Socha-Dietrich, K., &......

seamk.fi Language support to nursing students through CareEP project

Participants’ Hopes for International Leader -Project Well-being from Nature

...Same, same but different. Conceptual discussions and empirical evidence. Matkailututkimus 11:1, 7–25. Hjalager, A-M., Konu, H., Huijbens, E., Björk, P., Flagestad, A., Nordin, S., & Tuohino, A. (2011). Innovating and......

seamk.fi Participants’ Hopes for International Leader -Project Well-being from Nature

Augmented and Virtual Reality enhance the healthcare experience

...K. B. Chen, “Immersion of virtual reality for rehabilitation – Review,” Appl. Ergon., vol. 69, pp. 153–161, May 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.01.009. [12] “CSE Entertainment.” https://cse.fitness/en/rehabwall/ (accessed May 13, 2020).  ......

seamk.fi Augmented and Virtual Reality enhance the healthcare experience

E-Business And Its Challenges On Postal Logistics

...(8 %), Amazon (7 %) and AliExpress (7 %). 67 % of the answerers were very or extremely satisfied with the e-shopping experiences. The Finns bought from foreign e-shops mostly......

seamk.fi E-Business And Its Challenges On Postal Logistics

Finland as the company's operating environment

...Bank account. infoFinland.fi. https://www.infofinland.fi/settling-in-finland/everyday-life-in-finland#heading-f9873d90-3dba-4ab6-9353-4bdce78b4c45 Business Finland. Finnish Starup Permit. https://www.businessfinland.com/establish-your-business/finnish-startup-permit/ Business plan. Yritystulkki. Business Oulu....

seamk.fi Finland as the company's operating environment

Well-being at work from nature! – seminar

...it is usually difficult, if not impossible, to go to the nature. Merja Hoffrén-Mikkola, Senior Lecturer, explaining how the welfare effects of nature can be monitored (Photo: Kirsi Paavola). Many......

seamk.fi Well-being at work from nature! – seminar


...and challenges of IoT in medicine and healthcare,” Future Gener. Comput. Syst., vol. 78, pp. 659–676, Jan. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2017.04.036. [2] H. Ahmadi, G. Arji, L. Shahmoradi, R. Safdari, M.......


Good Practices in digitalization of the food value chain - Regions4Food Study Visit in South Ostrobothnia

...and stakeholders visited SeAMK (Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences) The Study Visit program took 1,5 days, and included five different Good Practices (GP’s) presented from different angles. The participants were......

seamk.fi Good Practices in digitalization of the food value chain - Regions4Food Study Visit in South Ostrobothnia

Multilingualism and Language Repertoires in Interaction

...Employees] Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, 13(5). Lehtonen, H. (2021). Kielitaitojen kirjo käyttöön, limittäiskieleilyä luokkaan. [The spectrum of linguistic skills, translanguaging practices into the classroom] AFinLA-e Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia, 70-90.  ......

seamk.fi Multilingualism and Language Repertoires in Interaction