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Perspectives on the Nature of Open Data in Business Cooperation

...all Finnish RDI work is done in close cooperation with various partners generating new knowledge, competence, products and services for the region and beyond, the challenges of open data in...

seamk.fi Perspectives on the Nature of Open Data in Business Cooperation

INLEARC project enters to its final third

...from Estonia, Finland, and Latvia have been developing the strategy and methodology for the digital teaching process development and also multiple use cases of robotics. Use cases are Moodle courses,...

seamk.fi INLEARC project enters to its final third

Marketing principles for Industry 4.0 – improving connections to customers

...for connectivity. Internet forms the basis for digital ecosystem which makes everything discussed above possible and more operational than in a brick and mortar world. Ville-Pekka Mäkeläinen Principal lecturer (International...

seamk.fi Marketing principles for Industry 4.0 – improving connections to customers

Car industry causing problems for Trump administration?

...of cars exported from Germany, 804000 units. These factories bring jobs for US workers in their factories and business for suppliers etc. Increased import duties for cars would lead to...

seamk.fi Car industry causing problems for Trump administration?

NaisyrittÀjien innovointi vaatii tarkempaa tutkimusta

...and innovation: state of the art and a research agenda. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 5(3), pp 236–256. Cheraghi, M., Wickstrøm, K. A., & Klyver, K. (2019). Life-course and...

seamk.fi NaisyrittÀjien innovointi vaatii tarkempaa tutkimusta

NÀyttöön perustuvan kliinisen hoitotyön kehittÀminen

...hoitotieteen tutkimuksesta entistä vaikuttavampaa, näkyvämpää ja saavutettavampaa. Hoitotiede 33(2), 69-70. Kaba A, Barnes S. 2019. Commissioning simulations to test new healthcare facilities: a proactive and innovative approach to healthcare system...

seamk.fi NÀyttöön perustuvan kliinisen hoitotyön kehittÀminen

OpinnÀyteprosessi innovoimassa kansainvÀliseen kehittÀmistyöhön

...literature review and discussion.” ”The title is a very relevant issue for women’s health. It has trusted and reliable scientific sources for its information. It offers effective and safe interventions...

seamk.fi OpinnÀyteprosessi innovoimassa kansainvÀliseen kehittÀmistyöhön

Cooperation in food science and technology

...at TH OWL are interested to take SeAMK’s questions further to German SMEs as long as SeAMK is translating the questions drawn up for Finnish enterprises. Figure 1. In the...

seamk.fi Cooperation in food science and technology

Business Model Canvas liiketoiminnan suunnittelun työkaluna

...Generation. A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Viitattu 17.1.2023. https://tudelft.openresearch.net/image/2015/10/28/business_model_generation.pdf Osterwalder, A., Parent, C. & Pigneur, Y. (i.a). Setting up on ontology of...

seamk.fi Business Model Canvas liiketoiminnan suunnittelun työkaluna

SivutoimiyrittÀjyys on mahdollisuus tutustua yrittÀjyyteen

...learning and ability. Journal of Management Policy and Practice. (12(1), 64–75. Viitattu 4.11.2022. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kameliia-Petrova/publication/304742274_Part-Time_Entrepreneurship_Learning_and_Ability/links/5b750208299bf14c6da8b631/Part-Time-Entrepreneurship-Learning-and-Ability.pdf?origin=publication_detail Petrova,...

seamk.fi SivutoimiyrittÀjyys on mahdollisuus tutustua yrittÀjyyteen